Tuesday 21 January 2014

Maiden's Tower

Istanbul ride when you come to see them return to your country before you need to see one of the places in the girls kulesidir.hakk thousands of stories written tale that was the subject girl tower once her daughter are very fond of the sultan in each case the sick girl one day an endless retiring after the girl tower built and daughter here a thousand bailiff protection almıştır.kurtul the disease years after the eyes ac princess of the world could not adjust and suicide that söylensede.b only a rumor that söylenmiştir.başk a rumor daughter wanted to punish the sultan here daughter book and never went to visit not in this case ill princess after the snake inserting as other As a rivayettir.binler with photographs and the lives of people living in istanbul girl tower istanbul great place, is referred to as the signature.
maiden's tower
 Can be seen today in the lower floor of the tower foundations and important part II. Mehmed the structure. Wide shelf around the tower are covered . In the case of the coin on the top of a marble slab , the tower that the current shape of Sultan Mehmet II . Mahmud , calligrapher Rasim came from the pen of a monogram is dated 1832 . Eminonu side of the tower , wherein a cistern are more widely . First, the Greek period , which hosts a tomb built during the Byzantine period the island was used as a customs station with the additional building . Show platform during the Ottoman period , a defensive fortress , exile from the station , many functions have been uploaded to the quarantine room . Which is the principal duty and for centuries, people with assets , the last ship to wink at night with flashlight function to guide the future of kaybetmemiştir.geçmiş road shows to fall most of the Maiden Tower . Maiden's Tower was restored in 2000 , is now the cutlery has been transformed into a place where their voices heard . Girls from Ortakoy tower and boat transport is performed with Sal . Maiden's Tower , which is a very old historic past , once , from passing boats are used for tax purposes to be taken . Tower with a large chain pulled across the European side and the Anatolian side of the ship to pass from the Maiden Tower (then now could be because the ship is small in size ) are allowed. After a while the tower , could not move the chains and towards the European side was demolished. When looking into the water from the tower ruins can be seen.

And now let's get to the real story of the Maiden Tower

Maiden's Tower Island, the city of the Sultanate Kubadabad was haremlig . Island with a castle surrounded by water in the environment , a high tower in the middle of the beautiful mansion had .

Here in this slave concubine of the Seljuk Sultan along with the beautiful daughter lived only .

Sultan , in thought ( according to another narration in fortunes ) beloved daughter died of snake bites have seen that . Tower , which was built in the Castle, and her daughter was close to it . Indeed, the entry into the tower snake he Anasmaslar with concrete pipes were flushed water and milk to the island . ( As the two aforementioned remnants of concrete pipe has come up today . )

So for years and years chasing beautiful , and one day fell into the fire Sultan sick. The country's most renowned physicians have found it difficult to cure . Dear Sultan to regenerate health , happiness was restored. To celebrate the gift of healing to the tower had started to rain . An old peasant woman brought a basket of grapes . Apparently in the grapes had a small snake .

Snake fall asleep at night when he was killing her beautiful Sultan .


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