Tuesday 21 January 2014

Galata Tower

Galata Tower was built in the year 528 after Christ . Used as a lighthouse built in the years intervening years , this historic venue has served many purposes in . During the Crusades in 1204 with almost every point of Istanbul also largely destroyed the tower edilmiştir.ara place about 150 years after Jesus by the Genoese tower was rebuilt with the name . Except for the function throughout the history of the lighthouse tower , dungeon, fire towers , which serve such purposes as the observatory building Hezarfen Ahmed Chalabi has submitted an air show . Has been restored since 1967, is also used for tourism purposes .

Galata Tower is about 70 meters long . Inner diameter of about 9 meters , the outer diameter is slightly greater than 14 meters . Experts of the weight of the tower is estimated that there are around 10 thousand tons . The thickness of the stone used in architecture is thought to be about five feet of the tower was surrounded by walls almost be considered. Built by the Genoese in the walls is considered to be a part of . During the Ottoman Empire continued to exist in the region where a period of several foreign nations formed the Ottoman financial and entertainment center .

Galata Tower
Galata Tower
There is also a large area around the Galata Tower . In this area every day , there are many domestic and foreign tourists can spend time in places around the tower . Until late night entertainment at the end of the showplace of the tower fell in love with the environment . Especially the way the mysterious structure here , near the stairs Commando tasting the emotions of people around sürüklemektedir.galat Tower suddenly comes before your boutique shops, hotel and entertainment center of many people is dependent on region . Istiklal Street, the road going to the tower from the right and left sides on the road when forming the curved landing many interesting shops are located. These shops can be found in almost every original product . Besides the many modern and consumer oriented products is available here . Musical instruments from many vendors can be purchased second hand or instrument zero . Ready to wear various costumes can be found. Access to the tower from the road , turn right just before you come across the right side of fresh fruit juice seller is also possible to store some vitamins .

Galata Tower Transportation

Şişhane located in the Galata Tower . Istiklal Street is accessible by foot from here . To do this, turn left downhill walk down the tunnel before the break is sufficient. Tower on the right side , you will come out suddenly from premises . Refik Saydam Şişhane in Istanbul Culture and Art Foundation building located on the street side of the range accessible to the Galata Tower . Galata Tower to its location on Google Maps .

Galata Tower Entrance Fee & Visiting Hours

Galata Tower entrance £ 6 for citizens of Turkey for foreign tourists is $ 10 . Every day at 09.00 to visit the tower opened at 19.00 are closed . When you visit this place during the day here in Istanbul to be seen in so many places you can have the chance to watch . Landscapes first tiny houses, is back in the form of the estuary and Eminönü . If the glow light to go in winter is dominated by the world's most beautiful landscapes in the evening hours can create pictures .


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