Tuesday 21 January 2014

Beylerbeyi Palace

Beylerbeyi Palace , Sultan Abdul Aziz by II. Mahmud wooden waterfront palace demolishing between the years 1861-1865 , the period It was built by renowned architect Serkis Balyan . In the 19th century structure Beylerbeyi Palace , Obvious examples of Ottoman architecture in West exhibits the properties of a specific example. foreign with a view of the era of Western origin understanding that reflect the effects of Beylerbeyi Palace main structure , 3 storey with basement was built. 26 The interior consists of rooms and 6 halls , " Turkish house" plan understanding appropriately partitioned, non- ornamental motifs originated in the West , in the internal regulations in place of traditional motifs derived It is left to decorate . Buildings, Harem and Mabeyn divided into 2 main sections and these two sections input is kept separate from each other ( Figure 1). main structure , as well as around the Yellow Pavilion , Marble Pavilion, pavilion and sea lodges including stables 5 There is a pavilion ( Gülsün , 1993).

Museums and collections contained in the organic Almost all of the material insects, fungi and bacteria ; high and variable relative humidity, temperature ; factors such as light and air pollution caused by harmful despite the inevitable decay that are particularly sensitive ( Maekawa , 1998). As all organic material hygroscopic material in the wood material Because moisture in the air can get into the body and able to provide moisture to the air . Thus climate depending on the conditions of wood humidity every When certain climatic conditions may change and certain moisture is present in proportions . In other words The lack of moisture in the environment of hard wood material under great damage is caused. The chemical reactions and decomposition temperature  is a factor accelerating the process . temperature decrease with increasing relative humidity , temperature seen the rise of a decrease in relative humidity (Anonymous ,
Consists of dead wood to wood texture together , is a totally different environment and treated The amount of moisture in the wood are insects that is important . What 's with wood Food supply and temperature tolerance of insects Although binding agents , only few insect species belonging to the family of air-dry state
are capable of destroying the timber . So, Some insects only suitable moisture , temperature, etc. .The wood used in the building when the conditions are met are a it is . Located in the temperate zone areas of our country and air dried wood cells which are capable to degrade and 3 insect species that cause economic losses in buildings destruction is extremely important . them Furniture beetle ( Anobium punctatum ) and time of death Other attached to the Department of National Palaces  palaces, villas and pavilions as in the Beylerbeyi  Mainly at the Palace of the ceiling and roof construction  As is made from pine trees. floor  the carrier system still pine flooring, floor  clad the wooden planks laid on oak, walnut, rosewood, mahogany and so on. from wood prepared hardwood marquetry plaques are used. Oak window frames; doors walnut, are made from precious woods like mahogany. also under the plaster lath and plaster ceilings and somewalls
There is the wood material. in Furniture the indigenous and exotic tree species were utilized. In the collection of palaces, gold leaf  framed paintings, mirrors, porcelain and crystal  objects, pearl, tortoise shell, ivory, containing furniture, silk beetle (Xestobi rufovillosum) Anobiidae  are members of the family. The third Cerambycidae  belonging to the family of Home-horned beetle (Hylotrupes  bajulus) is (are There, 2009).


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